Today, I’m not going to talk about beauty, fashion or my event invites, rather, I’m going to touch on something personal and to a large degree – life-changing.
After a whirlwind of surprises, I finally have time to catch my breath and breathe all this in – I’m engaged!
My boyfriend of 1.5 years gave me the most beautiful and thoughtful proposal a few weeks ago at my favorite hotel – Capella, Sentosa. He even had all this captured on video! Read on for all the scoop!
This was where it all began..
… at a Halloween party! How bizzare for a first meeting. 😛

I was the Statue of Liberty and B was the Joker!
Meetings turned into dates.

Even though we had a great relationship, we never discussed our future plans in detail.
‘Future plans’ meaning weddings, home buying and kids. But I’d secretly wished this beautiful guy with this magnificent personality would one day ask me to marry him. 😛
So a month ago, I received an invitation on Facebook from one of B’s good friends inviting us to a James Bond themed cocktail party at Capella.

I did not think too much of it since the guys hold and attend parties almost every weekend. Although I did suspect that the organizer, Lawrence, was going to propose to his long-time girlfriend. I suggested that to B and he too nodded in agreement.
On the week of the party, B went all out getting his suit dry cleaned and even got himself a matching bow tie. He spent hours honing his bow tying skills days before the event. Still, I did not ‘smell a rat’ since he’s the type who takes great pride in his appearance.
The day before the party, I went to some blogger events with my good friends and fellow bloggers Rusty and Tiffany. And I even wanted to invite them to Lawrence’s party the next day but decided not to since it could be his proposal to his girlfriend. But I did tell them about it and I remember they seemed unexpectedly excited about it too. Later that evening, I hung out with my good girl friends and they too seemed ‘overly interested’ in my activities the next day.
Nevertheless, I still did not think there was anything out of the ordinary.
On the day of the party, Tiffany texted me about a sponsored Bintan trip. The conversation lasted all the way until I reached Capella.
Simultaneously, I was also conversing with my good friend Beng who wanted to come over to my apartment for a quick swim.
When I arrived at Capella, it was already 7.30pm and the place was pitch dark. And since the place is a hot favorite among wedding couples, I did not suspect the presence of a camera crew and huge LED camera light shining at me. I thought they were probably taking photos of some wedding couple near us . I remember I even gestured B to walk away from the light thinking we might have obstructed their view of the ‘real‘ couple!
We didn’t know where the party was and felt pretty lost (or least I was and B pretended to be). So B quickly approached a hotel staff and specifically asked for directions to Lawrence’s party. I was surprised she knew which/whose party we were referring to and quickly directed us there.
We were pretty late but I thought that was okay since everyone usually arrives late for such parties but I was surprised to see all his friends already gathering around the bar. I felt so guilty and began to urge B to walk faster.
Then, my friends and family appeared out of the woodwork. My first reaction was ‘Oh my god!’. You can actually hear me say that in the video.
And I looked around and I saw Tiffany and Beng flashing their widest smiles as well as everyone’s cheeky grins and realized what all this was about.
Now you know you can mislead, deceive and trick me all you want and I’ll never be able to figure out the truth. Haha!
So it was probably my ‘telekinetic power’ working or something because he finally got down on one knee and popped the long-awaited question!

Image courtesy of my good friend Genette.
And of course, I said yes!
I was really surprised at how everyone could bluff their way through preparing such a romantic proposal because there were many near exposés along the way such as the absence of Lawrence (who was supposed to be the organizer but was actually on a vacation in Boston), the hidden camera crew that was, in truth, made up of my Honeyz Cube colleagues and when grandma insisted that I leave my weekend free for ‘upcoming activities’ earlier that week. I thought that was a pretty weird request really. And of course, I said yes!
Anyway, I was extremely surprised and overjoyed. Seriously, who would have expected a James bond party to become my engagement party???

My lovely family
While toasting and cheering, B and my family revealed all the ‘pivotal events’ that took place before the proposal such as B asking my dad for his daughter’s hand in marriage, coming up with a fool-proof plan with our friends and finally preparing and rehearsing his proposal speech everyday in the shower!
Capella’s Bob’s Bar also did a wonderful job attending to all our requests and serenading us with beautiful ballads performed by their live band. 🙂
Thank you so much everyone for making this so special for me.

Our good friends!

My bestest gal pals!

Our Honeyz Cube team as well as besties!
And of course, to B whom now I call my fiancé now, thank you so much for all this. You’ve made me the happiest girl. I can’t wait to walk down the aisle, say I do, make babies and go through life’s up and downs with you!
I love you! ❤

See the entire proposal in action by clicking ‘PLAY’!
That’s not us on the display but our good friends, E and B who’ll also be tying the knot soon! 😀
The video was cleverly put together by our production team, Honeyz Paint House and Sim Video. Thanks guys for arranging this!
Well, my evening didn’t just end there. B brought my family and friends to Long Beach for a delectable dinner and later to M Hotel for this!

B arranged for all my stuff to be packed and delivered to Capella first and later surprised me with an ‘engagement-moon’ at M Hotel!
I lost count of the number of moments I felt surprised and appreciative of my fiancé’s efforts to make this as memorable for me as possible.
Now that I’m on my way to becoming a bride in a year’s time, I’ve begun to subscribe to wedding mags, research on weddings online and also organize my wedding plans by buying this wedding notebook from my favorite stationery store Kikki-K to prevent myself from becoming bridezilla to keep track of dates, budgets and wedding paraphernalia needed.

I’ll be documenting my adventures as a bride-to-be in this blog so look out for more Toast and Cheers with Honeyz posts if you need some wedding tips too!

*24 April 2016 Update*
Our proposal was featured on The Proposal Buzz! Woo hoo! Click here to read the interview –
Till the next post. Meanwhile, toast and cheers!
Your friend, Juliana