Once upon a time, in a land far, far away… Okay, it’s not that far, just a 14-hour flight away, a wandering nomad crossed paths with a princess who’s in a bit of a bind.
An evil curse has been cast upon her and now, she’s trapped in a fairytale world. Doesn’t sound like a bad predicament yea? Wrong!
The caveat is – if the princess can’t find her knight in shining armour by sunset, the spell will remain and she will be imprisoned in this magical dimension forever.
So will the humble nomad save the day?
Click to find out!
And that sets the premise of our story. 🙂
Haha! I hope you’ve enjoyed our little pre-wedding trailer/Save-the Date video! The epic full feature will be coming soon to small screens everywhere.
Video Credits
STORY BY: Bobby, Juliana and Sim Video Productions. FILMED AND EDITED BY: Sim Video Productions
FB Page: facebook.com/simvideoshooting
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CINDERELLA SHOES BY: Sinderella.com.sg

Find out more: facebook.com/sinderellashoes
YELLOW DRESS BY: www.ashlapin.com

In the meantime, for more up-to-date content about my Secret Garden Fairytale wedding, follow me on my Instagram (@Anastasialove22) and my Facebook page at fb.com/ilovebunny.net.
Your friend, Juliana