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Thank You For Your Votes, Support And Love!

Writer: Juliana C StrykerJuliana C Stryker

“Because when you look around, this life is pretty amazing.”

To say that these past couple of weeks have been overwhelming would be an understatement. I was completely taken aback by the support and the sheer number of votes I received for my entry in the Singapore Blog Awards competition.

To win the contest, you’ll need to pen a fixed number of blog posts and acquire the most number of votes. Here’s the thing, voting usually spans over four weeks and supporters are encouraged to cast their votes everyday.

I’ve been a finalist in this contest twice but I never actively reached out to my loved ones for votes before. I didn’t wanna hound them everyday for votes in case they think I’m a huge nag. 

I’ll usually just post a couple of pictures on Facebook to canvass for votes. Needless to say, I always end up in the bottom few in the contest.

This year, my good friend Tiffany decided to nominate me for the contest again and by an incredible stroke of luck, I was selected as one of the top ten finalists in the beauty category! Third time!

Well, but the truth is third time will not be a charm if I continue to rest on my laurels. So this time, I decided to approach my close friends and family for help.

What I didn’t expect was the astounding response I was going to receive. Within hours of contacting them, my vote count went up by two-fold and I even had a fan page set up by a good friend that I haven’t seen in ages! Haha!

Yup, I was wrong. No one thought I was a huge nag, instead they even blamed me for not informing them earlier about the competition so they could help me sooner.

I can’t be more thankful to be blessed with family and friends as supportive and loving as them. Even though, the odds are not in my favour yet, I already feel like a winner for these amazing friendships and relationships.

Here’s a small tribute to the loves of my life. 🙂

My Girls

They’ve always been there, unconditionally helping me with everything – from my wedding, blog events, surprises for Bobby and to the blog awards, reminding each other and pestering all their friends and family members to vote for me everyday. I cannot ask for better friends than them.

“A friend is like a teddy bear; you hug it and cry to it when you’re sad you talk to it when you feel alone! it doesn’t matter what color, size or condition it’s in, it’s there for you no matter what.”

I’m so lucky to have met you ladies and you can be sure that you’ll always have me as your cuddly snuggly teddy bear! I wuv you!

Dong Hao

I met Dong Hao in secondary school a million years ago, a fellow blogger (, here he is looking suave with his beautiful wife.

As is so often the case, life has gotten in the way of catching up for so many years. In fact I don’t think we’ve actually met again since then, but of course we’ve been able to remain connected with all our school buddies via Facebook.

Needless to say, my breath was taken away when Dong Hao actually created a Facebook group with the sole purpose of gathering the troops and bringing all my old friends together for this common goal. Woo hoo!

The solidarity shown by all my friends has literally brought me to tears! And whatever the outcome of this contest, I know that with friends like these in my corner, I’ll always be a winner! 😛

My Extended Family from Bangladesh

One of the most surreal experiences of my life was going to Bangladesh with my entire family for wedding Part 2.

If you had told me 10 years ago that I’d one day be having a wedding in Bangladesh, I’d probably have laughed in disbelief. But fast forward to present day and I’m smiling for a different reason. I’m smiling because I’ve been welcomed into such a loving family.

They brought my dreams of having a princess wedding to another level with horse drawn carriages and fanfare – think Aladdin wedding and you’ll have a rough idea.

And what’s more, they’ve become ardent fans of my blog, diligently voting for me every day! I’m sure the blog awards committee are gonna be puzzled to see my votes coming in from so many different exotic locations!

Thank you B-desh family! Ami tumake bhalo bashi!!!

The Brothers

Here comes the Wolf Pack! Bobby’s brothers have also risen to the challenge of trying to help me get to the top. Busy lawyers, bankers and doctors, taking time out in the midst of operating and who knows what not, to vote for little ol’ me! Some have even been trying to get their employees to vote for me, unbelievable!

They may call themselves the Wolf Pack, but I think Care Bear Bunch is a more befitting name. 😛

Thank you guys! You’re the best brothers Bobby could ever ask for.

Our Wedding Planner

Beth, Beth, Beth! Thank you!!!!

Anyone who’s ever worked with me will know I can be a tough and demanding cookie, a perfectionist with borderline insane attention to detail.

So trust me, as my wedding planner, coordinating the most important day of my life, Beth did not have an easy time at all. I thought she would hate me (haha!), but instead the opposite has happened.

Not only have we become friends, but Beth has been following my blog and supporting me ever since that day.

I love waking up to see Beth’s messages and I’m truly moved every time I see her efforts to help, getting her family vote, even all the way out in the USA.

For a perfect wedding and a great friendship, thank you Beth! I will always be in your debt.

The Partner

Best friend, best business partner and of course, best videographer! Thank you Yong Thye, for voting for me every day, for taking time our from your busy wedding schedule and everything else, to help film my Wake Up With Me Video.

Year upon year, every time I’ve been able to reach the finals of the Singapore Blog Awards, you’ve taken the time to help me with your support and amazing videography skills.

I’m sorry so far all these efforts have been in vain as we’ve never managed to nab that elusive title. But please know that your efforts will never be forgotten.

You’re an excellent friend and the best business partner I could ever wish for. I might not say it enough, but really thank you from the bottom of my heart!

The Love Of My Life

He’s always there as my best friend, pillar of strength and loyal fan. Because of his unwavering support, I was able to step out of my comfort zone and pursue my passion. He’s also the reason why I could stay the course all this while and never give up despite all the odds.

Thank you for everything. I’ll always love you. With love, Your Bubbaloo Bear


Please forgive me if I didn’t mention you because there really is like a million people I want to thank, not only for voting, but for supporting me and my blog all these years.

Fellow bloggers, readers, my new IT team, mummy and daddy, all my school mates, ex-colleagues, my blog managers at, friends of friends, my property agent, that guy in Italy we bought something from on eBay (no joke) and some of the best beauty brands in the world!

Thank you, always!

We’re still 2 days away so there’s still a teeny weeny possibility that I may be able to win the competition.

Please help me realise my dreams by casting a vote in my favour here – 

I’ll be eternally grateful. Thank you. 🙂

Your friend, Juliana



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© 2024 by Juliana C Stryker

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How are you today?Awful!Could've been better!So so. I had better days.Pretty good!It was fab! I wish everyday is like today!How are you today?

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