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Writer's pictureJuliana C Stryker

Singapore Blog Awards 2013 Nominations: Beauty and Vlog

I’ve been nominated as a finalist in the Singapore Blog Awards'(SBA) Beauty and Vlog categories! *prances around*

As mentioned in my Facebook posts, I wouldn’t have been able produce those photos and videos, write the reviews, maintain a beauty encyclopedia and get my craft on without your unwavering love (e.g. emails, FB likes and the increasing views).

And of course, the biggest and sloppiest kisses go to my supportive family who’ve partaken in all my blog activites i.e. Spa parties, vote contests and this latest video I made for the SBA’s vlog contest (see above). 😀

Click to read all about my inspiration behind this video and also for my thoughts on what it’s like to be a full-time blogger. 🙂

Last year, I left my job to become a full time blogger. I was very relieved to have left the rat race but I was shocked to realize that I was about to enter a super rat race which was even more competitive. Because instead of vying for that promotion with a small group of people, I’m now going up against writers from all over the world for readership and attention in cyber space.

I read somewhere that the blogosphere is like Hollywood and blogging is like acting. And I concur with that totally. Everyday, there are many up-and-coming bloggers who begin blogging and want to make their mark in the blogging scene. Now if you’ve been blogging for some time, you’ll know that blogging is not all fun and glamorous. Not everyone can gain 100,000 views and land juicy sponsorship deals overnight. A lot of hard work and time is involved to produce posts that are deemed good and worth reading.

To concentrate on blogging full time, I lost precious family and friends time, some good job opportunities and a stable income. But in return, I’ve learnt so much about the path to success, learnt how much my family and friends mean to me and also forged many great friendships with readers, fellow bloggers and brands.

To receive the nominations from the Singapore Blog Awards is truly gratifying. It made all the sacrifices worth it and this journey a more meaningful one. I was also very glad that my family came out to support me by participating in my video blog entry for the Singapore Blog Awards.

The theme of the video for the Best Vlog category is something/someone from/about the 60’s that inspires you. I’ve always been very inspired by grandma’s fighting spirit and her ability to juggle the demands of work and family at the same time.

She’s also always been there for me and will always be my best roommate, friend and grandmother. So I decided to make a video about my lovable grandma who’s also to me – the biggest icon in the 1960s. 😛

I thought this is also a great opportunity to get the family together, record a family video and to remember grandma’s legacy.

Watch the full story by scrolling back up!

Special thanks to everyone who made time to film the video – my parents, granddad, uncles, aunties, cousins, family friends and of course my good friend Yong Thye who directed and shot the clips.

Check out the rest of Yong Thye’s works at Honeyz Paint House and SimVideo – Wedding Videography. 😛

And to you Honeyz Belles! I wouldn’t have been able to receive the nominations without you. Thank you sooooo much for the continued support. 😀

If you like my new video and my posts on this blog so far, please vote for me! I’ve never won anything for my work and this award would certainly give me the biggest validation should I win it.

So please show me all your love by voting for me here –

Best Vlog

Simply go to, sign up for an account and click on the photo to vote.

Best Beauty Blog

Likewise, go to and select Best Beauty Blogs and click ‘Vote‘ on the photo.

Once again, thank you all so much for these.

I love you so much! 😀 ❤

Your friend, Juliana



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