We’re officially 70 days away from the biggest event of my life and I’m still 3kg away from my ideal weight. Urgh!
I know it might not sound like a huge slimming goal but these 3kgs are as stubborn as an ox. They just won’t go away. I’ve tried all kinds of cardio and workouts to rev up the calorie burn but I can still see them hanging on for dear life on my weighing scale. I’ve ran out of fat-torching tricks.
I figured it’s my diet. That’s the only thing I haven’t given up on. 😛
I’m still indulging in McD’s every other day. I’ve sacrificed my french fries, I can’t afford to lose the burgers too.
Many have suggested that I work juice cleansing or tea detoxing into my diet and I should see results sooner than I can say 3kg!
I reckon those are short term plans as you’re only consuming fluids. Well, that dogma was overruled when I discovered meal replacement milkshakes by ORBIS! They’re low-calorie milkshakes that contain 10 types of vitamins, iron and a water-soluble dietary fiber.
Many now believe that a high fat, low carb diet could jump-start your metabolism but this new product seems to claim otherwise, stating that it serves as a healthy diet option which could help one lose weight, despite containing more than 15g of sugar (net carbs) from fruit extracts and real fruit pulps per every 100g.
I’ve tried it for a week and also consulted a doctor for advice. So did it work and what did the doctor say about it? Could this be the ultimate game changer? Read on to find out!
This popular one-meal replacement from ORBIS is now available in tropical, limited edition flavours to tantalise your taste buds.

ORBIS Petit Shake was launched in six flavours (Fresh Strawberry, White Grape & Aloe Vera, Orange Citrus, Banana, Mixed Peach and Pink Guava) as regular items in stores and is ORBIS’ best-selling product in
health category with over a hundred million meals sold to date. :O
Petit Shake contains 10 kinds of vitamins, iron and a water-soluble dietary fiber. Packed with the right nutrients to meet dietary requirements, it serves as a healthy diet option as a good nutritional balance is the key to losing weight healthily. Great Taste, Natural Sweetness With natural sweetness from fruit extracts and real fruit pulps in every sachet, cravings for desserts can be satisfied even when one is dieting. Petit Shake makes for the perfect guilt-free snack.
Each sachet of one-meal replacement Petit Shake (consumed with 100ml of cold milk) makes up approximately 150kCal. One-meal replacement for a month reduces calorie intake to assist weight loss equivalent to approximately ~2.5kg of body fat* a month.
*Results may vary.
How to use: Petit Shake is best served with chilled milk, immediately after preparation.

Pectin, a thickening agent used in Petit Shake, is a natural ingredient found in fruits such as apples and strawberries. It reacts with the calcium found in milk to create a viscous, smoothie-like texture which helps to fill an empty stomach.

These limited edition flavours are now available at $8.90 for a box (2 servings) and $6.90 for a box (2 servings) for regular flavours.
Taste-wise, they are unbeatable. The beverage tastes sweet with a zesty kick to it. I also like how the juicy fruit pulps explode in your mouth when bitten.It has a light juice-like texture on its own.

When milk is added, it turns into a velvety smooth thick paste that gives an interesting variation of taste. Both dairy and fruit does not dominate each other but instead produces a perfect blend of flavour that is extremely appetising.

For additional heath and skin care benefits, I would highly recommend adding collagen powder to the milkshake.
Here’s my weapon of choice:

Bulletproof® Upgraded™ Collagen
I would usually buy my collagen powder here – https://www.bulletproofexec.com/bulletproof-upgraded-collagenIt provides you everything you need from collagen while keeping you full with its high protein content. It is also unflavoured so it won’t affect your ORBIS tropical savoury experience.
Back to shakes – my most favorite of the lot is the Mixed Tropical Fruit as it seems to contain more pulp than the others. Haha! Yup! More pulp definitely shake up the recipe for this one and it also tastes less sweet.

Lo and behold! It actually has a higher net carb (i.e. sugar) level as compared to the rest.
Psst! Net carbs are calculated by taking the grams of total carbohydrates and subtracting the grams of fiber and the grams of sugar alcohol as found in the Nutrition Facts box on the side of the product.
Generally, the milkshakes contain a good balance of vitamins BUT!
They each also contain a level of sugar that is equivalent to half a can of coke. :O

So in spite of its low calorie content, I was still sceptical of incorporating this product into my diet for a long time.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying it doesn’t work. It did help me lose 1kg in a week but I also notice tummy bloating and carb cravings symptoms when I was on it.
If you’re going for the low-calorie route of slimming, this will be the ideal superfood for you. But I have to warn you, the results are only sustainable if you keep everything else low calorie too. The only saving grace is – you can still have your rice, bread and occasional desserts!
For me, I prefer the low sugar route as I’ve a family history of diabetes and a low sugar diet has helped me drop the pounds most quickly without starvation.
So I guess the ORBIS Petit Shake will be ideal as a weekly sweet snack for me and not as a long term solution to weight loss.
I know a lot of things I mentioned above about the benefits of a low sugar diet may sound a little hypothetical so I invited the very charming Dr Bobby Stryker of my Health Couture series to the panel to also give his two cents about the topic. 😛
Dr Stryker please. 🙂
A pleasure to be back Juliana and a very good evening to all your lovely readers.
How many of you ladies have at one point or another wanted to lose weight? I imagine a fair few of you.
How many of you have tried low fat, low calorie diets to perhaps lose some weight but then still find yourself looking flabby when you look at yourself in the mirror?
Well that’s why I’m here to tell you that if you want to be healthier and slimmer then your aim shouldn’t be to lose weight but to lose fat!
Traditional low fat and low calorie diets put your body into a starvation mode. You lose weight by burning away your muscle while you body clings onto your fats. That’s why you may seem to be losing weight but not fats. This is the kind of weight loss you can typically expect on fruit cleanse diets and other carb heavy diets.
We now know pretty conclusively that these low calorie diets simply do not work and are generally unsustainable.
So what’s the solution? Eat fat!!! Yes, you heard me right! Eat fat.
Celebrities, actors and body builders have been using this biohack to lose weight easily and stay in shape for years.
The key is to eliminate carbs from your diet. What are carbs? Carbs are foods like rice, bread, noodles, pasta, potatoes and anything made from flour as well as sweet foods. These foods are converted to glucose (sugar) in the body to be used as energy. So as far as your body is concerned, eating these foods is just the same as eating sugar. It gives you energy, but if you eat more than you need (and everyone does), the rest is converted to triglycerides (fats) and stored by the body. Hence eating carbs can make you fat.
If you eliminate carbs from your diet, your body will use up its sugar stores and start looking for an alternative fuel source. That’s right, you guessed it, your body starts turning those stored fats into something called ketone bodies, which it can use for fuel and energy more efficiently than even sugar.
Remove carbs from you diet, eat healthy fats and proteins, and your body will make this switch over to fat burning mode called ketosis. This is the essence for what is known as the ketogenic diet.
Sure you may feel tired for a few days, but get over that initial induction period and you will start to lose fat, feel less mental fog and sleepiness after eating, feel energized and just generally become a better you!
So surprisingly, eating meats, butter, fish, eggs, natural foods, allow you to lose fat. Or perhaps it is not surprising; after all, this is what our cavemen ancestors were doing for thousands of years.
It is only in recent years with diets high in refined carbohydrates that diabetes, heart disease and obesity levels have started reaching epidemic proportions. Our bodies just can’t handle so much sugar.
Some of you may be concerned that eating such fatty foods will give you high cholesterol. Well you’d be partly right. Eating saturated fats like those found in red meats and butter actually increases you HDL good cholesterol as well the larger safer LDL type of cholesterol particles (cholesterol particle size measurement is something which is yet to be practiced in Singapore but is common place in the west). Eating carbs promotes the formation of the smaller more harmful LDL particles, which are more likely to clot leading to heart disease and blocked arteries.
In fact, fats and proteins actually satisfy hunger much more than carbs do, so you may find yourself not feeling hungry for long periods at a time. In this way you may even end up eating less.
Are there any side effects? Well, it does make you more sensitive to things and some people have reported sensitive skin reactions like rashes while on the diet, but these people are usually few and far between.
So there you have it. Fat does not make you fat. Carbs do! Remove carbs from your diet and you will go into fat burning mode, lose fat, reduce diabetes and heart disease risk and possibly even reduce cancer risk by reducing carb induced inflammation.
Do not be surprised if your doctor sounds alarmed at the sound of a high fat and protein diet. Traditional doctors who may not be familiar with the latest literature on ketogenic and paleo diets will likely not be able to help you. You may need to source a doctor experienced in ketogenic theory or review the various sources of information available online. There are plenty of websites and even YouTube videos that you can see for further advice.
Finally, you can stop counting calories, you can eat those steaks, lamb chops, eggs, burger patties, roast chicken drumsticks, all guilt free and still lose weight.
One last warning – this may seriously change the shape of your body!!!
Dr. Bobby Stryker MBBS MRCGP
Dr Stryker is a registered Family Physician in Singapore and a specialist in General Practice (MRCGP) in the UK.
That was definitely more than 2 cents worth of info. Thank you Dr Stryker!
I hoped it helped you understand what you’re getting into when you adopt certain diets or include certain food in your daily intake.
All in all, I think the shakes are like vitamin pills in tasty liquid forms that are also good food swaps for weight loss in the shortest period of time. Remember to consume them in moderation to prevent sugar overload. For their fast weight loss results and healthy ingredients, 3.5 Honeyz crowns!

Besides the delectable meal replacement shakes, ORBIS also sent me their top-selling sunscreens – UV CUT Sunscreen on Face Beauty & Beauty Light.

This pair of smooth, light and moisturizing sunscreens with UV protection of SPF 34 and PA+++ comes in 2 textures – lotion and cream based, suitable for users with oily and dry skin types. As renewed products from UV Cut Sunscreen on Face and Face Light, these sunscreens are more durable and effective in correcting skin tones. Suitable for use as makeup base.
They also contain Skin Environment Control Powder that protects skin under various conditions. When skin is dry the powder provides moisture, when the skin starts to get shiny the powder absorbs sweat. Shiny T-zone will be a thing of the past with this powder working its magic.
These sunscreens work more like beauty serums rather than just sunscreen! They contain 80% moisturizing ingredients such as Rosemary Extract and Raw Sugar Extract to help keep your skin moisturised all day.

Petite Amie is a huge fan too!
I love its lightweight and quick-drying formula. It also functions well as a tinted moisturiser and makeup base as it evens out my skin tone and texture to allow foundation to glide on better.
It’s a must have on my beauty list for my upcoming staycay. 😀

I want you to experience the goodness of ORBIS SUNSCREEN ON FACE too so I’ll be giving away…
The ORBIS UV CUT Sunscreen on Face Beauty to one lucky belle!

Excited eh?
Follow these steps to qualify for our giveaway:
Step One: Like Honeyz Facebook Page at facebook.com/ilovebunny.net.
Step Two: Share this photo on your wall.

Step Three: Comment ‘ilovebunny’ on this photo on Honeyz’ Facebook Wall.
Bonus Step: Increase your chances of winning by following Honeyz on Instagram at @ilovebunnynet. Then comment with your Instagram handle so that we can double your chances in our ORBIS lucky dip!
This is an international giveaway so readers outside of Singapore can take part too!
Contest ends 8 October 2014, Wednesday 10pm. Winners will be announced on our Honeyz FB Page.
I look forward to your participation and good luck, belles!
The ORBIS sunscreens are available at $15 at the following locations,
ORBIS Stores:
260 Orchard Road, Level 1 Beauty Hall Singapore 238855 Tel: 6836 2837 Opens 10.30am – 10.00pm
9 Bishan Place, #01-46 Singapore 579837 Tel: 6334 2768 Opens 10.30am – 10.00pm
252 North Bridge Rd, Level 1 Beauty Hall Singapore 179103 Opens 10:30am – 10pm daily
For more info on ORBIS, visit their Fb page at facebook.com/orbis.sg
Your friend, Juliana
Disclaimer: Please rest assured that even though this post was created in partnership
with ORBIS, it does not have any bearing on the content of this post.
Opinions stated are objective and genuine. Also note that all sources, information,
content, links are valid to change at any time.