2015 has been a doozy of a year for Honeyz Cube.
We welcomed our new Beauty Poet (aka Blog Editor), Alice, into the HC family, acquired a new office (Woo hoo! More about that later.) and even brought Health Couture to life with a fitness and wellness workshop earlier this year!
I wanted to start the new year on a healthy note so I teamed up with my husband, Bobby, the professional trainers at Zesty Kickz and cold-brewed tea connoisseur, Infuusa and organised our very first Health Couture event for our supporters at Honeyz Cube.
The event was held on the first day of February and since we were only a couple of weeks away from Valentine’s Day and the Lunar New Year, we thought we could come up with a wholesome slimming programme, aptly named ‘How to lose weight in two weeks?‘.
We had an awesome time jiggling our fats to non-existence during Zesty Kickz’s Zumba segment and uncovering all the diet myths at the health talk by Dr Bobby Stryker. We also got to enjoy tasty calorie-free beverages, courtesy of Infuusa!
It was one hell of a party and I was extremely happy when our participants asked for another session. Whoopee!
Well, a new Health Couture event is in the works. Meanwhile, let’s recap all the excitement at our February Health Couture workshop!
Every Honeyz Cube event needs a cool goodie bag so I prepared these cute satin babies for our participants days before the event.

Sprayed my favorite fragrance on them too for good luck!

And here we are at our first Health Couture event. Meet our HC pixies, my brother, Seb and our Beauty Poet, Alice!

I’ve the most supportive mommy, I tell you! She arrived early at our event, fully geared in her workout attire and all ready to swing into fitness action. Woo hoo!

We started the session with a quick introduction by our beverage partner, Infuusa.This is Wei, explaining all the health benefits of his brainchild, Infuusa, an awesome line of cold-brewed teas that are extremely hydrating and sugar-free.

Now let the action begin!

Our participants dancing to the beat of exhilarating Latin and international tunes at our one-hour Zumba session.

Oooh.. I love that energy!

It looks like everyone is having a great time! 😀

A sneak peek at our instructor’s playlist! 😛

Don’t miss out on all the fun! Here’s a video with a cool compilation of all the dance-inducing tunes played during our Zumba class.
Now let’s work it!

The Honeyz Cube Belles having some mindless fun with the goodie bags during break time.

And the Honeyz Cube dudes joined in the fun too!

Back to the workshop…
Participants enjoying the refreshing beverages provided by Infuusa.

Let’s commence the second segment of the day, the ‘How to lose weight in two weeks‘ talk by Dr Bobby Stryker!
Psst! Spot the cheeky face!

I had the honour of introducing my husband and also speaker of the day, Dr Stryker.
But first, let me thank our wonderful partners (and look absolutely unflattering doing it)…

… while my husband looked on. *perfect* -_-

Haha! Alright, let’s get down to business.
Bobby opened the health talk with this question “What do you think a good diet is?”

It was interesting hearing everyone’s point of view about healthy meal choices as well as some very interesting old wives’ tales about losing weight.

Of course, Bobby also shared his views and dispensed valuable nutritional advice to all our participants.

Even my little bro was listening attentively to his big brother’s presentation on healthy eating.

Many participants were intrigued by the new diet advice Bobby shared and came forward to clarify their doubts about the topic. Many also congratulated us for a successful event and even suggested another Health Couture workshop! Yay! We couldn’t be happier for the positive response.

Group hug!

We also invited some of our distinguished guests to share their feedback on camera.

This is beauty blogger, Jody of jodulu.blogspot.sg fame giving her comments about our event. She looks happy. Yay!

And now, let’s catch all the action at our first Health Couture event here!
After the event…
More silly antics from our team! Haha!

Thank you Tiffany for emcee-ing the event. :*
Check out her blog here – http://tiffanyyong.com

My lovely mommy’s #OOTD shot attempt. Doesn’t she look cute? 😛

Can’t forget a group shot of the clan. Whee!

Finally, a ginormous THANK YOU to our valuable partners:

Aww… I hope every weekend is as exciting as this one. Thank you to all the wonderful Honeyz Cube members who came. You made this all possible for us! Here’s a big fat sloppy kiss to all of you! Muuuuuaaaaahhh! :*
You can also check out Alice’s coverage on the event here – http://blog.honeyzcube.com/events/health-couture-series-how-to-lose-weight-in-2-weeks
A BIG Announcement
Remember the office I mentioned earlier? Well, it’s actually a studio space for this:

Following the success of our past workshops, we decided to institutionalise the class concept and create a full-fledged lifestyle academy known as Honeyz Paint House!
We hope to offer more than just skincare and makeup workshops but also classes that teach Instagram photography, videography, DIY projects, fashion styling or even interior design. Well, just fun stuff we love doing during our free time.
So what do you like to do during your free time?
Is it creating pretty gelish nail art? Or practicing modern calligraphy? Hmm.. could it be arranging gorgeous bouquets? Or even better… practising sleight-of-hand magic tricks?
We want to know! Comment below on all the topics you would like to learn. And who knows? We might bring them into Honeyz Paint House!
I can’t wait to share all the juicy deets with you.
Meanwhile, watch this space for more exciting Paint House updates!
Your friend,
IG: @ilovebunnynet
FB: ilovebunny.net
Disclaimer: Please rest assured that even though this post was created in partnership with our sponsors, it does not have any bearing on the content of this post. Opinions stated are objective and genuine. Also note that all sources, information, content, links are valid to change at any time.